Why Experienced Diabetic Wound Care Matters

While scare tactics are a lousy way to start off a conversation, the fact is that every day in the United States, 230 people with diabetes undergo an amputation. Driving the point home even further, an overwhelming majority (85%) of these amputations are due to diabetic foot ulcers. These numbers are only expected to grow thanks to the rise in diabetes diagnoses in the US. 

If you want to avoid becoming a part of these frightening statistics, finding the right diabetic wound care specialists is paramount.

At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, our team of experienced podiatrists, which includes Drs. Matthew Paden, Dustin Kruse, and Brett Sachs, has extensive experience helping our patients with diabetes stay one step ahead of their foot health. Through vigilant monitoring and early intervention, we can help minimize your amputation risks.

Here’s a look at why your foot health matters when you have diabetes, and why you need wound care specialists on your medical team.

Diabetes and your feet

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you’ve likely been told about the complications that can develop because of this chronic and systemic disease. High on this list are problems with your feet, namely slow-healing wounds that can become infected and end up requiring amputation.

There are several reasons why this occurs. First, elevated levels of glucose in your bloodstream can lead to peripheral neuropathy, which is nerve damage. This damage prevents you from sensing when there’s a problem in your feet, which means you may not feel when there’s an open wound, providing ample opportunity for infection to set in.

Second, unregulated sugar in your blood can lead to peripheral artery disease, which can greatly compromise your circulation, especially in areas that are farthest from your heart — namely, your feet. This means that your feet are not benefitting from all of the resources they need to fight off an infection and heal.

Lastly, diabetes may weaken your immune system, which makes you more prone to infection. This means that even the smallest cut should be cause for concern.

Monitoring your feet

Our team of podiatric specialists believes that vigilant monitoring (and regulation of your blood sugar levels) are the keys to protecting your feet. We educate our patients about at-home care, and we recommend regular visits with us so that we can ensure that your feet are in good health.

Between your monitoring at home and our care, our goal is to catch any foot wound long before it becomes problematic. With this type of early intervention, we can help prevent infection from setting in in the first place.

If, however, a foot ulcer develops and becomes infected, our next steps are critical. At this stage, we stay on top of the ulcer through special wound care dressings that help keep the area clear of harmful bacteria. We also remove any dead tissue that can harbor bacteria, giving your healthier tissue a better healing environment.

These steps are your best defense against amputation, so you want to ensure that you’re in good hands with foot health experts who understand diabetic foot ulcers, such as our team here at Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle.

If you’d like to learn more about how we handle diabetic wound care, please contact one of our offices in Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Evergreen, or Granby, Colorado, to set up an appointment.

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