Do Claw Toes Go Away On Their Own?


It is very unlikely that a case of claw toes will spontaneously resolve on its own. The bent and curled toes are due to a muscle and tendon imbalance and will continue to get worse unless something is done to treat their underlying medical condition and relieve the cramping and pain.

The treatment, however, may not need to be extreme. Many times simple stretches, shoe changes and padding and taping can relieve the pain, and custom orthotics may help address biomechanical issues as well as provide extra cushioning for the toes. Taping, toe tubes and stretching can also help to straighten out the toe and avoid pain.

If surgery to correct rigid, painful claw toes is needed, know that our expert foot doctors are also experienced surgeons who understand foot mechanics and know exactly what is needed to restore full function.

Don’t wait. At the first sign of abnormal joint movement that keeps your toes in a bent position, contact Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center through our online contact page or call us at (303) 423-2520. We will examine you, diagnose toe problem, and find the best treatment as soon as possible.

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