Blog Archive

Is It a Callus or a Corn? Here’s How to Tell Sep 2nd, 2024

Corns and calluses are common foot problems. In fact, corns alone affect up to 48% of individuals. The terms also get used interchangeably, but they’re actually unique conditions. In this blog post, learn more about these foot issues, your risk of developing them, and how the podiatry team at Rocky...

How Biomechanics Affect Your Mobility Aug 7th, 2024

Whether you’re walking, running, or sitting in front of a screen, you may be giving little thought to what your body is doing. However, that’s precisely the focus of biomechanics — the science of human movement. In this area of study, experts take mechanical principles and apply them to how...

3 Telltale Signs Your Pain is a Heel Spur Jul 11th, 2024

 It’s no surprise that heel pain can be debilitating, affecting your ability to walk, stand, or even just rest comfortably. One common culprit behind persistent heel pain is a heel spur — a bony growth that forms on your heel bone. Recognizing the signs of a heel spur can help...

My Plantar Warts Are Painful: Can You Help? Jun 2nd, 2024

Plantar warts are common and appear on the feet. While they might initially seem harmless, they can create significant pain, discomfort, and difficulty walking or standing.  If your plantar warts are causing pain, there are treatment options. At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center, we offer treatments for plantar warts....

4 Ways to Avoid a Gout Attack May 8th, 2024

Gout is a form of arthritis that causes painful swelling in your joints. While it typically affects the metatarsophalangeal joint (MCP), the joint where your big toe meets your foot, gout can develop elsewhere, including your ankles, knees, wrists, and hands. Gout's symptoms tend to flare up suddenly in episodes...

5 Lifestyle Tips for Reduced Bunion Pain Apr 1st, 2024

If you’re one of the 100 million Americans with bunions and need solutions to relieve pain, you might want to take a second look at your lifestyle. Often, bunion pain increases because of lifestyle habits that we’re unaware of, and making changes now can preserve your long-term foot health. At...

My Neuroma Is Slowing Me Down Mar 18th, 2024

Have you been feeling like there’s a pebble stuck in your shoe or going about your daily routine with a sharp, burning sensation in the ball of your foot? If this sounds familiar, you might be experiencing a neuroma.  Don’t worry. Even though this condition may slow you down, there...

Top Tips for Clipping Your Toenails to Prevent an Ingrown Toenail Feb 1st, 2024

About 20% of doctor’s visits for foot-related issues involve ingrown toenails. But there’s good news for this common problem: Not only can you typically treat ingrown toenails at home, but you can also do things on your own to prevent them in the first place.  At Rocky Mountain Foot and...

Understanding How We Grade Your Sprained Ankle Jan 18th, 2024

Ankle sprains are common injuries among people of all ages. In fact, data indicate that about two million ankle sprains are medically treated every year in the United States. Aside from pain in and around the joint, ankle sprains can cause swelling, bruising, and impaired mobility. At Rocky Mountain Foot...

Will Morton’s Neuroma Resolve on Its Own? Dec 1st, 2023

Pain is a warning signal to your brain that some part of your body is either diseased or injured and needs help. If you experience pain in the ball of your foot and between your third and fourth toes, you shouldn’t ignore it. It might be a sign of a...

What Are My Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis? Nov 2nd, 2023

When the alarm went off, you used to be able to jump out of bed and start your day. Thanks to plantar fasciitis, you linger a little longer knowing that you’ll be met with fairly severe foot and heel pain, putting a decidedly negative spin on your day right from...

Upping the Miles This Fall? Here's How to Prevent Common Runner's Injuries Oct 1st, 2023

Did you know that about half of recreational runners experience injuries? Most of those injuries are preventable. At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, our experienced team of providers has special expertise in preventing and treating sports injuries affecting the feet.  Today, we’re discussing the causes of common running injuries and how to prevent them...

How to Manage a Severe Bunion Pain Flare-up Sep 5th, 2023

You’ve noticed that bump on your big toe for a while, and you’ve mostly ignored it. But now the pain is strong enough that you can’t deny it any longer. That big bump is a bunion, by the way. A bunion (also called hallux valgus) is a bony hump that develops on...

What is a Growth Plate and Why Does it Need Special Care? Aug 8th, 2023

Your child is always growing and developing. They outgrow their old clothes and shoes. They lose all their baby teeth and adult teeth come to take their place. In addition, the bones in their skeleton are continuing to harden and mature.  Because growing children and developing teens tend to be...

How To Recover Strongly After a Sprained Ankle Jul 6th, 2023

Sprained ankles are one of the most common injuries in the United States, affecting about 25,000 people daily. If you've joined these numbers and sprained your ankle, there are some important points we want to make about your recovery. As our name implies — Rocky Mountain Foot and Ankle Center — our team of...

5 Painful Conditions Linked with High Heels Jun 1st, 2023

Besides a string of pearls, there are few accessories more timeless than a pair of high heels — they can even make a pair of jeans look runway-ready.  However, the truth is that high heels are among the worst shoes for foot health. For starters, they make your foot and ankle...

Warning Signs That You Have a Stress Fracture May 2nd, 2023

When you think about breaking a bone, you probably imagine an impact, such as falling down, colliding with something, or being in a car accident. But bones can break in other ways, too. Stress fractures are small, hairline cracks in your bones that occur due to repeated stress on the...

Tips for Running When You Have Flat Feet Apr 1st, 2023

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy, as it offers benefits like improving blood circulation, decreasing problems with cardiovascular health, reducing weight gain, and keeping bones and joints strong. However, overworking joints, muscles, and other tissue can lead to injuries which make exercising more difficult.  Another problem that can...

Stretches That Can Help You Avoid Heel Pain Mar 2nd, 2023

There are plenty of reasons you might be experiencing heel pain. Acute injuries aren’t the only cause of heel pain either. Many people suffer from chronic heel pain due to conditions like Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. Regardless of what’s causing your pain, getting it diagnosed and beginning preventive care...

6 Ways You Can Avoid a Sprained Ankle Feb 2nd, 2023

Athletes are notorious for sprained ankles, but you don’t have to play sports to find yourself a victim of this painful injury. Sprained ankles can happen to anyone, anywhere — all it takes is a misstep, turn, or twist, and you’re down for the count. Fortunately, our team of double-board...

How to Manage Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Pain Jan 1st, 2023

Do you have pain on the inside of your ankle that gets worse as the day goes on? Or do you get a tingling, burning, or shooting sensations in your foot? If so, it could be due to tarsal tunnel syndrome. Fortunately, if you’re dealing with ankle pain, we can help. Here...

5 Important Facts About Stress Fractures Dec 1st, 2022

Stress fractures are tiny fractures commonly associated with repetitive use activities, and they’re actually pretty common. In fact, stress fractures account for about 10% of orthopedic injuries, and if you’re an athlete, you have a 40% chance of having a stress fracture at some point. With five convenient Colorado locations,...

What to Do About Your Black Toenails Nov 2nd, 2022

Picture this: it's summer, and you're wearing open-toed shoes, or you take your socks off and look down to see one of your toenails has turned black. If you're noticing this discoloration, it's most likely because a bruise developed under the nail. Also known as a subungual hematoma, a black toenail...

How Custom Orthotics Can Change Your Life Oct 1st, 2022

If you consider the job your feet perform and their size relative to the rest of your body, you can see why having a few aches and pains is normal.  Your feet are amazing, and they work hard for you every day. Besides doing the mundane work of holding your...

Lifestyle Habits That Make Morton’s Neuroma Worse Sep 1st, 2022

Little will make you appreciate what it’s like to have comfortable feet more than a painful Morton’s neuroma – also simply known as a neuroma. Although this common condition doesn’t always cause bothersome symptoms, neuromas cause a burning, sharp pain in the ball of the foot for many people. You...

How Diabetes Can Take a Toll on Your Feet Aug 1st, 2022

Diabetes is a common problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in 10 Americans live with diabetes. But it’s easy to overlook the dangers it can pose for your feet. This blood sugar problem occurs when your body doesn’t use glucose properly. And, whether you have Type 1...

3 Types of Sports Injuries Jul 1st, 2022

Staying active is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. However, virtually every sport comes with the risk of injury. That’s why our team of experts at Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center makes injury education, prevention, and treatment a key part of our sports medicine services.  Here’s what you should know about the three most...

Toenail Trimming Tips for Diabetics Jun 1st, 2022

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.6 million people in the United States were diagnosed with diabetes. By 2015, that number had increased to 23.4 million, and has continued to rise. Now, in 2022, 37.3 million people in the United States, roughly 10%, have diabetes.  Diabetes is a...

Understanding the Different Treatments for Warts May 1st, 2022

Warts don’t come from touching toads or frogs. They come from an infection with some strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which produces noncancerous growths in the top layer of your skin. They’re classified by where they are on the body — on the hands, they’re called palmar warts, and...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore These Warning Signs of Stress Fracture Apr 1st, 2022

Maybe you’re training for a marathon, or perhaps your job requires you to be on your feet all day, or you may have tripped over the curb. Whatever the case, you now have a nagging pain that you expect to go away any time now.  At Rocky Mountain Foot and...

Telltale Signs of Plantar Fasciitis Mar 1st, 2022

About 2 million men and women in the United States are treated for plantar fasciitis every year, making it one of the most common causes of painful foot symptoms. As commonplace as it is, inflammation of the plantar fascia isn’t the only cause of foot pain. Learning to recognize the...

The Importance of Biomechanics Feb 6th, 2022

Your foot and ankle are a complicated combination of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If they all work smoothly together, you can stand, walk, and run without problems. Anytime there is a deviation in any moving or supportive part, the biomechanics of your foot and ankle can be affected, causing...

What to do About Recurrent Ingrown Toenails Jan 3rd, 2022

You might not think much about your toenails, but if you’ve developed an ingrown nail, it’s hard to ignore. Ingrown nails may cause redness, inflammation, and pain. Left untreated, ingrown nails can also contribute to infections, which are particularly problematic for those with diabetes. Unfortunately, because so many ingrown nails...

All About Achilles Tendinitis Dec 5th, 2021

A sore Achilles tendon makes it difficult to do just about anything. The pain can be very severe, and keep you from enjoying your normal activities. Achilles tendinitis could be the reason that you’re having so much pain, but not to worry, you can get treatment that can help. At...

Sesamoiditis: Will Orthotics Help? Nov 1st, 2021

It’s hard to overstate the importance of your feet and your ability to get around during the day. They take on the brunt of your body weight, which often leads to some discomfort after a long day.  However, if your pain persists and is located at the ball of your...

4 Signs of an Ankle Stress Fracture Oct 10th, 2021

Hairline fractures, also known as stress fractures, are quite common in the feet and ankles of athletes and people who engage in repetitive movements or spend a lot of time standing. Stress fractures can be difficult to identify, and doctors usually confirm the diagnosis with imaging scans such as an...

Why Are Flat Feet Problematic? Sep 9th, 2021

Maybe you have been told — or have figured out on your own — that you have flat feet. You may not feel like it’s much of a big deal. But flat feet, also called fallen arches, can have significant impacts on your health and well-being. Flat feet may or...

Why Do I Have Bunions? Aug 1st, 2021

Hard, knobby bunions can complicate choosing attractive shoes. They can also make you too shy to bare your feet at the beach or park.  But if you’ve been blaming your bunions on your own bad habits — such as wearing high heels, or pointy toed shoes — you can relax...

What to Do About Achilles Tendon Pain Jul 12th, 2021

Every time you take a step, you rely on your Achilles tendon, which can make any pain in the area problematic. Whether the pain is just a minor nuisance or it’s interfering with how you make your way through the day, expert care of your Achilles tendon is extremely important....

Pain in the Ball of Your Foot? You May Have a Neuroma Jun 14th, 2021

Your feet are ground zero for your mobility, so when a problem arises, the effects are exponential. A classic example of this is a Morton's neuroma, which can cause considerable pain in the ball of your foot. To help you better identify this condition so that you can seek treatment,...

How Can I Prevent Ingrown Toenails May 10th, 2021

Ingrown toenails might feel like an embarrassing issue that you need to deal with alone, but they’re fairly common. Roughly 18% of adults will experience an ingrown toenail at some point during their lives.  At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center, Dustin Kruse, DPM, MA, FACFAS, Matthew H. Paden, DPM,...

Getting Back to Your Sport After a Ligament Injury Apr 8th, 2021

Ligament injuries in the feet and ankles (think sprains) are very common. In fact, 23,000 people sprain an ankle each day in the United States. From athletes to someone who just took a bad step, sprained ankles top the list of musculoskeletal injuries seen by primary care providers.  We present...

Orthotics: Store-Bought vs. Custom Mar 7th, 2021

Your feet do a lot for you, bearing the weight of your body while getting you from place to place. With so much responsibility, they might need some extra support — literally.  That’s where orthotics come in. With these shoe inserts, you can alleviate a broad range of podiatric problems. But...

What Every Athlete Should Know About Foot Injuries Feb 12th, 2021

Injuries to the foot and ankle are common among athletes, which makes them a cause for concern. If a foot or ankle injury isn’t treated properly, you can end up with permanent damage and instability. This is why it’s important that you educate yourself about the different types of foot...

Help! My Heels Are Cracked Jan 12th, 2021

If you find yourself constantly applying foot cream on dry, cracked heels, you aren’t alone. As many as 20% of adults have dry, cracked skin on their feet, according to a survey conducted by the Institute for Preventive Foot Health. Even though cracked heels are common, they can be a...

Why Diabetics Must Take Extra Care of Their Feet Dec 1st, 2020

Having diabetes comes with a host of issues, many of which require daily monitoring and care. However, many people often forget about one of the most important — but most commonly overlooked — parts of the body that diabetes can harm: the feet.  At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, our...

The Difference Between a Corn and a Callus Nov 8th, 2020

Corns and calluses both form in response to irritation or friction. That’s because they’re your body’s way of protecting your skin from injury. However, even though they both cause hard, tough patches of skin on your feet, they are unique conditions. Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle has the expertise to...

What Caused Your Neuroma? Oct 13th, 2020

Any pain in your feet can place limitations on your life, so finding answers is key. If that pain is centered around the balls of your feet and toes, a Morton’s neuroma may be to blame. At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle, our team of podiatric specialists, led by Drs....

Regain Pain-Free Movement With Total Ankle Replacement Sep 15th, 2020

Did you know that your ankle consists of three bones? The tibia, fibula, and talus are the three bones that meet at your ankle joint. This complex joint has an impressive range of motion, with the ability to move up and down and side to side.  If your ankle doesn’t...

Coping With Plantar Fasciitis Aug 16th, 2020

Does searing foot pain greet you each morning when you get out of bed? Do your feet, especially your heels, hurt after sitting for hours? You may suffer from plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain involving the inflammation of the tissue band that runs...

Why Experienced Diabetic Wound Care Matters Jul 16th, 2020

While scare tactics are a lousy way to start off a conversation, the fact is that every day in the United States, 230 people with diabetes undergo an amputation. Driving the point home even further, an overwhelming majority (85%) of these amputations are due to diabetic foot ulcers. These numbers...

Signs You May Have a Stress Fracture Jun 16th, 2020

Stress fractures are a common injury, especially if you’re an athlete. They’re worse than a sprain but not quite as damaging as a full bone break. Still, stress fractures are something you should take seriously because they can become worse if you don’t. Sports that require repetitive motions, such as...

Should You Give Your Toenails a Break from Polish? May 21st, 2020

Many women enjoy getting pedicures from the spa or salon and sporting vibrant colors on their toes all summer long. We get it. Who doesn’t want to look cute in sandals for a few months each year? But did you know that all that polish can actually harm your toenails?...

What Every Runner Should Know About Protecting Their Toenails Apr 3rd, 2020

Running is an excellent form of exercise. It keeps your heart healthy, your muscles strong, and your circulation functioning properly. Unfortunately, running can also take its toll on your body, affecting your feet, your toes, and your toenails too! At Rocky Mountain Foot and Ankle Center, our doctors understand the...

How to Prevent Ingrown Toenails Mar 20th, 2020

If you’ve had to deal with the pain and discomfort ingrown toenails can bring, you aren’t alone. Researchers estimate at least 40 million American adults have experienced this unfortunate condition.  In addition to causing pain, swelling, and redness, ingrown toenails can keep you off your feet and put you at...

How to Prevent Your Flat Feet From Getting Worse Feb 18th, 2020

When you have flat feet, the entire sole of your foot touches the floor when you stand. While this may not seem like a cause for concern, this common condition can cause a structural imbalance in your body, which can lead to foot issues as well as ankle, knee, and...

Top 5 Signs Your Toenail Fungus May Have Escalated to an Infection Jan 10th, 2020

A little case of toenail fungus is practically a rite of passage — you quickly learn not to go barefoot in a locker room or shared shower area again and to always pack clean socks. But what happens when your toenail problem goes beyond a suspect smell and yellowed appearance?...

The Dos and Don’ts of Shoe Buying Dec 3rd, 2019

Shopping for shoes is a pastime for some and a chore for others. But whether you enjoy buying shoes or not, the reality is we all have to wear them. Shoes provide support and protect your feet from injury. They can keep your feet comfortable or cause pain and damage....

5 Everyday Activities That Could Be Hurting Your Feet Nov 1st, 2019

Not to overstate the obvious, but your feet are critical in how you make your way through life, which is abundantly clear when foot pain strikes. If you want to hop out of bed and face the day with feet that don’t bark with every step, there are a few...

Why Your Feet Change Size Over Time Oct 1st, 2019

Consider all that your feet endure throughout your life, literally carrying you through your day, every day. To accomplish this Herculean task, these tiny appendages rely on a complex support system made up of dozens of bones and connective tissues that each contribute to the effort. And just as your...

How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot Sep 1st, 2019

Summer and bare feet may seem like the idyllic duo, but going sans shoes increases your risk of contracting athlete’s foot. This annoying fungus lies in wait for you in wet grass, alongside the pool, and even in your favorite worn-out, sweaty shoes.  And no matter what you may have...

If You’re a Hard-Core Runner, Follow These 3 Tips to Protect Your Toenails Aug 6th, 2019

If black, bleeding, or missing toenails are a regular part of your life, you’re probably a hard-core runner. When dealing with foot and toenail problems are simply part of an average day, you may have resigned yourself to living with pain and discomfort, and choosing footwear that hides your battle...

How to Keep a Sprained Ankle From Becoming Chronically Unstable Jul 24th, 2019

It doesn’t take much to sprain your ankle. These painful injuries occur when the ligaments in your ankle stretch, tear, or rupture, which can lead to swelling, pain, bruising, and problems walking. Unfortunately, many people skip getting medical attention because they don’t think ankle sprains as serious. But, without proper...

Are High Heels Really That Bad for Your Feet? Jun 5th, 2019

When it comes to fashion, wearing high heels should be avoided. Even if you find a pair that seems comfortable, wearing this type of shoe can cause significant issues with your feet and posture. When it comes to foot care, our team at Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center offers...

5 Tips to Help Athletes Avoid Achilles Tendon Injuries May 20th, 2019

Your Achilles tendon runs along the backside of your ankle. It connects your calf muscles to your heel bone, and when it’s strained or ruptured, simple activities, such as walking and running, can be extraordinarily painful. Serious Achilles injuries can even cause pain when you’re standing. Because the tendon is...

How Custom Orthotics Can Alleviate Chronic Back Pain Apr 18th, 2019

Your body functions as a unit, so dysfunction in one area can have a domino effect. Your feet are the foundation for your musculoskeletal system. Any deficiencies in your feet affect your entire skeleton, including your lower back. Your feet provide the only point of contact with the ground, so...

7 Tips for Selecting the Right Running Shoes Mar 21st, 2019

Running shoes are a runner’s most important athletic purchase. You don’t want to walk out of a store with shoes that seem to fit, only to find them uncomfortable when you take your first run in them. Following are seven tips for purchasing the right running shoes. Make running shoes...

Home Care Tips To Resolve Heel Pain May 30th, 2018

We treat many different lower limb conditions and injuries, but one of the leading causes for visits to our offices is heel pain. In part, this can be explained by the fact there are several possible causes for pain in your heels.More than that, though, your heel endures tremendous force loads...

Is Now The Right Time For Hammertoe Surgery? May 30th, 2018

You are probably getting tired of that toe of yours that stays bent in the middle and won’t lie flat, or maybe it is starting to hurt more. As with many other foot deformities, you may have a choice of treatment options when it comes to your hammertoes. One potential...

Why Your Blisters Might Be Your Shoes' Fault May 30th, 2018

Athletic shoes or hiking boots are a must-pack item if you are planning a trip to the Denver, Colorado area, and a must-have item if you live here. There are just too many trails and hikes you’ll want to take that require good footwear! However, shoes that cause blisters can...

Where You May Have Picked Up Athlete’s Foot May 30th, 2018

Now that Memorial Day has come and gone, summer is unofficially here. Time to hit the Carmody, Glennon Heights or Morse Park outdoor pools in the Lakewood, CO, or visit the Ray Ross Splash Pad or the new Surfside Spray Park. These are fun places to cool off, but they...

I'm Not An Old Lady...Why Do I Have A Bunion? May 30th, 2018

Look at the bump by the big toe in this picture. Could that really be caused by high heeled, pointy toed shoes? The short answer is, "probably not." The bump is not just a growth on the side of the foot. It's actually the head (end) of the first metatarsal...

When Children’s Feet Point In, Out, Or Down May 30th, 2018

A little baby’s legs seem flimsy and wobbly (but awfully cute!), and you’d be forgiven for thinking there is no way they will ever support that little body. Learning to stand and walk is a long process, with many stops and starts along the way that make you worry whether...

What To Do For Blisters From Ice Skates May 30th, 2018

Whether you are a Colorado Avalanche fan screaming at the Pepsi Center or a hockey mom sitting in the stands yelling for your kid’s team, you know the risks that the players take. Besides the cuts, bruises, and concussions the players may face, there is another annoying problem that can...

When Bunion Surgery Is Your Best Option May 30th, 2018

Whether you want to try a last hike at Alderfer-Three Sisters Park in Jefferson County before winter snows set in, or you are planning some early shopping for the holidays, bunion pain can be a hindrance. When a day on your feet seems impossible because your big toe and forefoot...

What Might Be Giving You Tarsal Tunnel Pain May 30th, 2018

So you decide to celebrate the warmer weather with a new workout routine, and now you are noticing pain around the bone that protrudes by your inner ankle. You may not know this, but you have a tunnel there with blood vessels, tendons and nerves running through it. Your pain...

Ways To Treat Blisters Instead Of Popping Them May 30th, 2018

So you wore your new running shoes today on your entire training run for the July 4th Freedom Run 5K in Evergreen (big mistake!) and came home with a blister under the ball of your foot? Well, you’ve heard that it is best not to disturb them, but how do you treat blisters...

The Many Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy May 30th, 2018

The Rocky Mountain Reining Horse Association Summer Slide is going on this week at the National Western Complex in Denver. From youth to rookie to futurity levels, you’ll have a great time watching the close bond between trained horse and rider at this popular equestrian event. If you feel like...

Things You Can Do Now To Build Stronger Bones May 30th, 2018

Here’s a fun way to build stronger bones: Cardio Tennis! On Saturdays and Tuesdays the Meadow Creek Tennis and Fitness Club in Lakewood offers group drills to give all levels of players a high energy workout while monitoring your heart rate to keep it in your target zone.What do tennis...

5 Tips: Find The Best Running Shoes For Your Next 5K May 30th, 2018

Marathon season is ramping-up, are you ready for your next-race? If you’ve been training hard, you should take a look at your running shoes. When they show excessive wear, or the midsole seems less firm than it used to be, it is time to shop for a new pair.Running with worn-out shoes isn’t...

The Truth About Poor Circulation And Feet May 30th, 2018

Dams like the Granby Dam on the Colorado River create reservoirs by blocking up the water’s main exit point, trapping it in an area where it can’t escape downriver. Only a small amount of water is allowed through, which can dramatically lower the water level of the river below the...

The Truth About Walking Problems In Children May 30th, 2018

Babies love to move, and soon learn to respond to music by bouncing, waving their arms, and smiling from ear-to-ear. Actually, that’s pretty close to describing what teens and adults often do on the dance floor as well! Why not do it together at Music Together classes in Evergreen? They...

The Right Exercises Can Help Your Ankle Arthritis May 30th, 2018

Denver-area residents raised over $90,000 at the Jingle Bell Run/Walk in December 2014. That’s a lot of money for arthritis research and educational programs! If you missed it, you’ll have another chance to support the work at the Walk to Cure Arthritis in May 2015. Though you might think otherwise,...

The Origins Of That Lump On Your Foot May 30th, 2018

You know you didn’t bump it on anything, nothing fell on it, and it doesn’t look bruised, so what is that lump on your foot? Could it be cancer? Anything is possible, but we doubt it. More than likely you have developed a ganglion cyst.These are benign growths that form...

The Ins And Outs Of Pronation And Why Everyone Is Doing It May 30th, 2018

You may have tried some of the more popular venues in Lakewood, CO: Frijoles Colorado Cuban Café or Taste of Denmark for great food; Nordstrom Rack or Hot Topic for the latest fashions; Bear Creek Lake Park or William F. Hayden Green Mountain parks for favorite outdoor activities. Did you...

The Ins And Outs Of Handling Dry Skin May 30th, 2018

If you plan to head out to ski or snowboard during the holiday weekend, you have lots of choices near Denver—Winter Park, Loveland, Arapahoe Basin, Eldora Mountain, and Rocky Mountain National Park are all within a 90-minute drive. After a day on the slopes in the dry, cold weather, you...

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome May 30th, 2018

As promised, our next topic is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. Most people have heard of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome of the hand. It's common in people who work with their hands; whether it be checkers at the grocery store or people who type on the computer. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs in the...

Saying When: Deciding On Bunionette Surgery May 30th, 2018

Your hairdresser is trimming off your long hair an inch at a time, waiting for you to “say when” the length is just where you want it. Or your server asks if you want parmesan on your lasagna and starts cranking the grater—“just say when.” How do you know when...

Why Your Achilles Is Irritated May 30th, 2018

If you are itching for spring and running season, take care that you start slowly if you’ve been sedentary during the winter. A Rocky Mountain Road Runner marathon training session or even a 4-mile City Running Tour may be too much activity for your unconditioned legs, leading to Achilles tendinitis...

Returning To Running After Shin Splints May 30th, 2018

Runners in the Lakewood, CO community have a great resource available in the form of the Belmar Running Club. The group meets up every Thursday at 6:00 PM—at either 100% Chiropractic or Runners Roost Lakewood—before heading out and following either a 3, 5, or 7-mile route. Afterwards, the group goes...

Rein In Your Morton’s Neuroma Pain May 30th, 2018

Are you ready for the 3rd annual Rodeo All Star Weekend April 17 and 18 at the Western National Complex? (The Thompson Square concert, Murdoch Fashion showcase, and Mutton Bustin’ all accompany the Rodeo Championship events!) Or is the pain by your toes so bad you feel like you’ve been...

5 Tips To Protect Your Feet From Sun Damage May 30th, 2018

If you live in the Denver area, you know the warnings about sun exposure. Not only do we get a lot of sun in Colorado, the higher altitude makes it more intense (thinner atmosphere screens out fewer harmful rays). Recent studies point out that melanoma is on the rise, especially...

Rehab For Your Ruptured Achilles May 30th, 2018

Spring is in the air! Soon the tennis season will be kicking off and you’ll be heading to your favorite court. You may think it won’t happen to you, but if you start playing before your muscles and tendons are in shape, you could end up hearing that pop at...

Rebounding After An Ankle Sprain May 30th, 2018

We are just about a week away from the 28th Annual Granby Gut Buster 5K Run. The starting gun will fire at 9 AM on July 30, but registration (if you haven’t already registered) will open at 7:30 AM. The course will take you through Granby and includes the namesake...

Prevent Shin Splints From Snowboarding With Stretches May 30th, 2018

In 1965, a man from Muskegon, MI, fastened two skis together with a rope on the end so his daughters could steer as they slid down a snowy hill. He sold the idea, and over the next ten years about a million “snurfers” were sold. In the decades since, modern...

Out-Toeing In Kids: What Can You Do? May 30th, 2018

It is so much fun to watch a child grow and change from baby to toddler to child. They learn to do so much—walking, talking, singing, learning to play games and sports—and they are always on the go. It can be a worrisome time, too, if you think that your...

Painful Flat Feet Need Proper Treatment May 30th, 2018

The last Farmers’ Market of the year in Wheat Ridge is this Thursday, October 30, from 10 AM to 2 PM. For 37 years it has been a great place to get food that is fresh and grown locally. Wandering among the stalls is always a treat, because you can...

The Origins Of Cracked Heels May 30th, 2018

Colorado residents know about dry. Many areas are classified as desert because of the low rainfall, and the mesas, mountains, and plateaus are also rather arid. That puts us at risk for dry skin problems, including cracked heels. However, other things can also cause your skin to dry out. Knowing...

Nail Fungus Bugs Me! May 30th, 2018

Of all of the conditions podiatrists treat, toenail fungus is among the most frustrating. Organisms called dermatophytes love dark, warm environments, which tend to be our shoes. These fungi are the same that cause the itchy rash of athlete's foot. Once they take root in the nail bed, they become...

Tips For Safe Toenail Care For Kids May 30th, 2018

Something that you take for granted—quickly clipping your toenails—can become a real battle with a toddler. After all, you told him not to play with scissors because he’d cut himself and get an owie, and now here you come near his toes with a pair of clippers! Nevertheless, it needs...

Wart Removal Remedies to Try at Home May 30th, 2018

Mid-November in Colorado can still produce some gorgeous sunny days with temperatures warm enough to take off those fall boots and free up your toes in a pair of sandals. However, if you are bothered by unsightly warts on your toes or feet, you may shy away from the exposure....

Steps To Take When Your Gout Flares May 30th, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are over, but the aftereffects of indulging in your favorite green beverage may just now be hitting you—with a gout attack. Beer flows freely on this mischievous holiday, and it is one of the worst triggers for this painful form of arthritis. If an attack hits...

Morton's Neuroma May 30th, 2018

When someone complains that they feel like they're "walking on a marble" or that their sock feels like it's wadding up under the ball of the foot, that's often the sign of a Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma is a condition characterized by pain in the ball of the foot emanating...

My Heel Hurts! May 30th, 2018

Have you ever stepped out of bed in the morning and thought "what in the world...?!" because you have sudden stabbing pain in your heel? The most common cause is plantar fasciitis, or inflammation of the large ligament on the bottom of your foot. This ligament attaches to your heel...

Moisturize Your Cracked Heels For Smooth Summer Skin May 30th, 2018

Out of sight, out of mind. That’s what often happens to your feet. You are so busy playing tennis or softball, hiking our gorgeous Denver area trails, or spending long hours on your feet at work, that you have little time to think about their health and condition. Summer is...

Make The Most Of Winter Hiking May 30th, 2018

Hiking in winter can be fun as long as you prepare properly. Hop on the 470 and head south to South Valley Park for a great hike with views of the red rocks, wildlife, and meadows. Time it so you can enjoy the sunset, which can be stunning. Just make...

Use Winter Months To Eliminate Toenail Fungus May 30th, 2018

Winter months are fantastic for spending time with family, hitting the slopes, drinking hot cocoa…and eliminating toenail fungus? Yes, you read that correctly. This time of year is ideal for tackling fungal nail issues. For starters, your feet are covered almost all of the time, so no one is going...

Keep Heel Pain From Stopping Your Winter May 30th, 2018

Occasionally we get these gorgeous, warm, sunny winter days in the Denver area that brighten our spirits and make us think spring is on its way—unless you are a winter sports fan and worry about the snow pack. Weather is not the only condition that can threaten your ability to...

Ingrown Toenails - OUCH! May 30th, 2018

Of all the things podiatrists do, caring for chronic, infected ingrown toenails has to be own of the most satisfying. Patients are often terrified to see us. Sometimes they've seen their family doctor who wasn't experienced in removing nails without much pain. Some primary docs are actually GREAT at this...

How To Trim Toenails Without Cutting Corners May 30th, 2018

Perhaps you are naturally frugal and always take care of your own nails. Or maybe you overspent during the holidays, and now you are looking for ways to cut corners and get your budget back on track. That might mean giving up getting a pedicure this month—or for several months!...

Tips To Identify Skin Cancer Lesions May 30th, 2018

While you might don your bikini or swim shorts to laze in the sun, splash around at the beach, or jet ski at Cherry Creek State Park, there’s another reason to go skimpy on the clothes. Once a month you should peel down to the skin and do a thorough...

How To Pick The Right Athletic Shoes For Your Sport May 30th, 2018

If you are new to the world of athletic shoes, welcome to the confusion! Not only are there dozens of stores to choose from in the Denver area, and styles to fit every foot type, there are shoes for every sport, too. Shoemakers used to measure your feet and use...

How To Shrink A Ganglion Cyst May 30th, 2018

It could appear out of nowhere and cause a huge lump on the top of your foot, or it could start small and gradually grow larger over time. A ganglion cyst is a benign sac of fluid that grows out from a tendon sheath or joint capsule and is attached...

How To Help Your Foot Fracture Heal Well May 30th, 2018

Whether the onset of spring has you out gardening, running, shopping, or playing soccer, the increased activity puts you at risk for a foot fracture. A broken bone can be caused by anything from overuse as you get back to spring sports, to a fall while dancing, to a crushing...

Home Care For Nerve Pain Can Make A Difference May 30th, 2018

Is it time to do something about your nerve pain? Neuropathy could keep you home while everyone else enjoys the Aerial Acrobatic Arts Festival at the Lakewood Cultural Center on July 24 and 25, watching the performers do amazing moves and feats of balance while suspended from ropes. On the...

Hope For Chronic Ankle Instability May 30th, 2018

Athletes need feet and ankles that function as they should in order to score and win games. So far, our Colorado Mammoth lacrosse team seems to more than up to the task, completing two 20-goal games already this season! All pro athletes work hard at rehab after an injury—an ankle...

How Stretches Can Help Your Hammertoe Pain May 30th, 2018

Now that the warm temperatures of early summer have arrived, you may be spending a lot more time in sandals, flip-flops and open-front shoes. Notice anything different about your toes? Maybe one or more of them looks a bit odd, with the middle joint poking up like one of the...

Children’s Foot Care: Helping Baby Feet Grow Strong May 30th, 2018

If you’ve just had a baby, you may be looking at Stroller Strides or Mommy and Me classes to get your body back to pre-baby form. While you are running, lunging, pushing and pulling your muscles into great shape, don’t forget that your baby needs exercise and movement, too. Children’s...

Head Off Metatarsalgia Pain During The Holidays May 30th, 2018

When you suffer from metatarsalgia, even a fun event like going to view the New Year’s Eve fireworks in Denver along the 16th Street Mall can be more than you want to tackle. A carnival atmosphere with costumed characters like magicians, stilt walkers, and comedians will prevail around the 9...

Heel Pain In Kids May 30th, 2018

In our last blog-versation, we discussed plantar fasciitis as the most common cause of heel pain. It's adults. Children, however, rarely suffer from plantar fasciitis. The most common cause of heel pain in kids is the serious-sounding (but totally benign) Sever's Disease, also known as Calcaneal Apophysitis.Calcaneal apophysitis is...

Muscle Imbalance That Hammers Your Toes May 30th, 2018

There are some great rock faces on the Front Range of the Rockies near Denver. Groups like Denver Mountain Guiding offer instruction and guided climbs in favorite spots like Clear Creek Canyon or Three Sisters Park. They’ll teach you everything from hammering in pitons to finding the tiniest toe holds....

Good News For Babies With Clubfoot May 30th, 2018

From hopscotch to jumping rope to running and skipping and jumping, kids will be kids. However, if your child was born with clubfoot, you may be concerned that he or she will not be able to participate in normal childhood play. On the contrary, with prompt and expert treatment from...

Exercise For Your Poor Circulation May 30th, 2018

If your blood vessels were pipes, then your heart would be the pump pushing water throughout the system. When a pump moves slowly, not as much fluid circulates. When a pump pushes hard, however, plenty of water rushes through the pipes. The same is true for your heart and your...

Easy Treatments For Sesamoiditis May 30th, 2018

It has been fun watching the US Ski Team compete at the Alpine World Championships in Colorado this month. Just watching the skiers slaloming back and forth around the gates, you can see how much pressure the movements put on their feet—especially the big toe area. Such back and forth...

Easy Home Tips For Relieving Neuroma Pain May 30th, 2018

When you attend the Missoula Children’s Theatre musical production of The Wizard of Oz on Saturday, January 24, at Lakewood Cultural Center, Dorothy’s ruby slippers will play a large role in the story. Shoes play a large role in most women’s lives, and that can be good or bad. Shoes...

Easy First Aid For A Sprained Ankle May 30th, 2018

The ski resorts in the Rocky Mountains have been busy selling passes, and the slopes are shaping up nicely. Maybe you’ve already been out for that first run of the season in the crisp, cold mountain air at Winter Park, Copper Mountain, or Arapahoe Basin. Keep in mind that it...

Deciding Which Orthotics Will Help You May 30th, 2018

Deciding what to put on your feet often involves first questions of style, then of what you will be doing, and finally of comfort. That’s why so many people end up with sore feet! If you are thinking about orthotics, it is probably because you have some discomfort in your...

Considering Surgery For A Stiff Toe May 30th, 2018

With spring officially here and temperatures warming, you may have already been out working in your yard or garden—and have the sore muscles to prove it! All that crouching on your haunches or kneeling with your toes bent against the ground can cause stiffness and pain in your leg muscles...

Tips For Treating Sever’s Disease At Home May 30th, 2018

Instead of having a night out and leaving your kids home with a babysitter, how about switching that around? Take your children to Kids’ Nite Out at the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center and enjoy having the house all to yourselves! Your kids can learn some basics of basketball, swimming, or...

How Overpronation Increases Your Risk of Running Injuries May 30th, 2018

People in Wheat Ridge, CO, love the 1-mile (give or take) loop around the pond in Crown Hill Park. It’s a great place for wildlife viewing, a walk with the kids, rollerblading, or to finish up a training run for your next 5K. If you are just getting back into...

High Arches May Be A Cause For Concern May 30th, 2018

There was talk in recent years of building a new Mizpah Arch as part of the Denver Union Station renovations. The old 65-foot one was taken down in 1931 because it was considered a traffic hazard. Another high arch that might be considered a hazard could be the one you...

Overpronation And How Custom Orthotics Might Help May 30th, 2018

Budgeting is a good tool, but going over budget is a problem. You probably don’t like things that go over—from soup boiling on the stove to your weight when you step on the scale. Yet, your plans can be overturned, math concepts might be over your head, and you may...

Exercises To Give Your Flat Feet A Lift May 30th, 2018

Don’t you hate it when the elastic wears out on your socks and they start falling down? That pair is soon headed for your local recycler or the trash bin, and you are headed to the store for a replacement. Your posterior tibial tendon (PTT) is a stretchy band of...

Best Boots To Protect Your Feet In The Winter May 30th, 2018

When you lay out a wad of cash for a pair of boots, you want to make sure you get your money’s worth. But how do you know which are the best winter boots for you? One thing to consider is how you plan to use them. Will you head...

Baby Steps: Correcting Clubfoot May 30th, 2018

When babies make the transition to “toddlers on the move,” there are a variety of different methods they use to get around. They go from being carried to strollers to crawling, and maybe even scooting, all leading up to that big moment when they take their first step—and then it’s...

Avoid The Pain Of A Sprained Ankle From Winter Fun May 30th, 2018

We know that, regardless what the rest of the country thinks, Colorado has more to offer than just downhill skiing. We have lots of other fun winter activities that could, unfortunately, lead to a sprained ankle. You could land awkwardly from a jump in the ice skating rink. Or fall...

Easy Massage For Arthritic Feet May 30th, 2018

The Arthritis Foundation of Denver is sending representatives to the 2015 Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. on March 23-24, but also provides information, community events, and other help year around for the 25% of Colorado’s population who struggle with this debilitating disease. You can also learn what you can do...

6 Myths You Might Believe About Athlete’s Foot May 30th, 2018

If you are tempted to believe some of the Denver Airport conspiracy theories circulating around, you might also find yourself wondering about things you hear about athlete’s foot. While we are not up on the latest New World Order chatter, we do know a thing or two about feet, and...

6 Hints For Safer Running In The Cold May 30th, 2018

If you're looking for a fun holiday race in the Denver area, try the Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis on Sunday, December 14. Dress in your best holiday running costume (reindeer antlers or bells, anyone?) and come for the costume judging at 9:30 AM. There are events for the whole...

5 Tips To Alleviate Bunion Pain At Home May 30th, 2018

Just in time for your Thanksgiving shopping, Farm2Table Trading Post is being held in Wheat Ridge, CO, on Saturday, November 22. Here’s your chance to get fresh, locally grown produce and compassionately raised animal products for that special Thanksgiving Day dinner menu. The event is a chance to meet your...

5 Tips For Managing Your Tarsal Tunnel Pain May 30th, 2018

There is nothing mythic about your tarsal tunnel pain. It will seem very real to you as you wander through the Denver Museum of Nature & Science exhibit “Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns and Mermaids,” wincing with foot pain at every step. If you want to relegate your discomfort to your...

3 Tips To Alleviate High Arch Pain May 30th, 2018

Summer is near, and you will probably be spending considerably more time outdoors than you have been. You might spend a morning kneeling with bent feet in your garden, crouching in a catcher’s stance at a softball game, or going for a long hike. If you have cavus foot (meaning...

You Have Style: 3 Simple Tests For Pronation May 30th, 2018

People used to go to a store, buy a pair of sneakers, and set off running along the Bear Creek or 6th Avenue Trails near Lakewood. Shoe shopping has gotten a little more complicated now that there are so many styles and more has been learned about foot structure and...

Watch Out For Bunions In Children, Too! May 30th, 2018

February is International Friendship Month. Encourage your children to value their friends. They can have fun making friendship bracelets, playing games, or going on a special outing together. You may not have thought of it this way, but children’s feet are their friends, too. They allow your kids to walk,...